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Future development direction of chemical industry

Chemical products play an important role in the history of human development. Their production and application even represent a certain historical stage of human civilization. 1. In the future, large refining and chemical industry and new chemical materials will be the main force to support the growth of CHEMChina. 1, refining Many Chinese basic commodities, such as three acids and two bases accounted for more than 50% in the world, the growth space is relatively limited, the future upstream development direction will undoubtedly find opportunities in a large number of imported products. In 2016, ethylene and PX equivalent imports exceeded 14 million tons and 12 million tons, respectively, both worth more than 100 billion yuan, which will be filled by new refineries and ethane cracking in the future. Although the big petrochemical industry is relatively traditional in technology and not favored by the capital market, it can be seen from overseas comparable experience that most of the global top 50 chemical companies, except DuPont and others, have considerable refining capacity. Formosa Plastics, Chevron and others are mainly engaged in refining and chemical business. In addition, large refining also provides important petroleum raw materials such as triene and triphenyl, which gives enterprises a considerable space for downward expansion. For example, Dow Chemical, Lyondellbasell, Ineos and other companies have become midstream chemical industry giants relying on upstream refining and refining. Therefore, this industry can produce a lot of companies with large market value. Moreover, most of the refining capacity in China is in the hands of Sinopec, and the newly entered enterprises are private PTA giants. If the development process of PTA industry can be replicated in the refining and chemical industry with more efficient management and cost control ability, it is expected to achieve a significant leap in market value. New chemical materials New chemical materials are a bigger development direction in the future, including the industry short board and new materials which have not yet been overcome in our country. From historical experience, every breakthrough we make in downstream applications will bring a new round of development opportunities to chemical enterprises in the upstream industry chain. For example, with the rise of BOE in the display panel industry, Kangdexin and other electronic chemicals enterprises have gained rapid growth. In the future, as China vigorously promotes the localization of chips, the supporting industries of photoresist, electronic special gas, packaging materials, high-purity reagents and so on will undoubtedly enjoy great development. In addition, the development of lightweight automobiles and large aircraft also provides a huge market space for high-end engineering plastics such as carbon fiber and polycarbonate. In addition, polyphenylene sulfide and polyimide in the field of new materials have yet to be broken through in our country. Various lithium batteries and fuel cell materials in the field of new energy also have the opportunity for explosive growth in the future. 2. Research and development is the core competitiveness In the past, the development way of Chinese enterprises mainly focuses on quantity and scale, which emphasizes cost control and industrial scale, which has become the core competitiveness of chemical enterprises which we pay most attention to. But looking into the future, Chinese enterprises have entered a stage of comprehensive competition with developed countries in quality, research and development. Accordingly, this puts forward new requirements for enterprise capabilities. Enterprises that are only good at cost control and capacity expansion are difficult to adapt to future development. The core competitiveness of enterprises must be turned to technology research and development and product innovation, which is the most important stock selection logic in the future! China has a large number of chemical research and development personnel, the level is generally not inferior to Europe and the United States, but the salary is only a fraction of it, which also determines that China does the same research and development, the investment is far less than the developed countries. In fact, compared with the fact that the bulk chemical raw materials are highly dependent on imported oil and gas, China's endowment of human capital required for R&D investment is undoubtedly more prominent. In addition, with the cycle reversal in the past two years, many chemical enterprises have made profits of several billion yuan. If they can find a good industrial direction in the future, they are fully capable of investing large amounts of money in research and development, actively promoting upstream and downstream integration, and eventually develop into a platform enterprise, and hit the top 50 chemical companies in the world. 3. Brand and innovation of ChemChina in the future According to the historical law of Chinese civilization, as long as there is political stability, there will be success in 30 years, great governance in 50 years, and prosperity in 70 years. Since the reform and opening up in 1978, we have developed peacefully for 40 years and accumulated considerable national strength. In the future, with the development of technology and the improvement of the level of refinement, we are expected to be on a par with Japan and Germany in the field of high-end manufacturing within 10 years. Chinese manufacturing will also become synonymous with world-class manufacturing in the world. Domestic chemical industry in the existing vast majority of products are expected to achieve the global scale and benefit of the first, China will also rise as a world chemical power. Downstream consumer chemicals, such as tires, coatings, daily chemicals, lubricants and other industries will emerge a number of world-class brands, which are expected to replicate the successful experience of the international top 50 companies in exporting to global brands, lead a new round of industrial revolution, and promote the world into the next round of prosperity. This article is from: Green Chemical Technology

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