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Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide

Name Hydrogen peroxide
Chemical formula
Molecular weight
34.01 CAS
Melting point
0.43 ¡æ
Boiling point
150.2 ¡æ(decomposition)
Water soluble
1.463 g/cm3
Blue viscous liquid



Hydrogen peroxide is usually prepared into aqueous hydrogen peroxide for use.

Hydrogen peroxide is used for medical, military and industrial purposes. The daily disinfection is medical hydrogen peroxide, which can kill intestinal pathogenic bacteria, suppurative coccus and pathogenic yeast. It is generally used for surface disinfection of objects.

Chemical industry used for the production of sodium perborate, sodium percarbonate, peracetic acid, sodium chlorite, thiourea peroxide and other raw materials, tartaric acid, vitamin and other oxidant. The pharmaceutical industry is used as a fungicide, disinfectant, and oxidant in the production of bifides and antibacterial agents. Dyeing industry used as a bleaching agent for cotton fabrics, hair color after dye reduction. Used to remove iron and other heavy metals in the production of metallic salts or other compounds. Also used in electroplating solution, can remove inorganic impurities, improve the quality of plating parts. It is also used for bleaching wool, raw silk, ivory, pulp, fat and so on. High concentration of hydrogen peroxide can be used as rocket propellant.

Civil: to deal with the smell of kitchen sewer, to the pharmacy to buy hydrogen peroxide and water and washing powder into the sewer can be decontamination, disinfection, sterilization; 3% hydrogen peroxide (medical grade) is used to disinfect wounds.


1. It should not be taken orally and should be placed in a place not easily accessible to children.
2. Have corrosion effect on metal, use with caution.
3. Avoid mixing with alkaline and oxidizing substances.
4. Avoid light and heat and store at room temperature.
5. The validity period of medical treatment is generally 2 months.
6. Do not touch with your hands.

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